Design of Iranian-Islamic Postmodernism Mantle Using Nanomaterials

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Fatemeh Maleksabet
Mehrnoosh Sakenyandehkordi


Clothing is one of the divine blessings and gifts that are in harmony with the spiritual and physical characteristics of human beings. Hence, man is naturally inclined to it. Iranian Islamic clothing is a category that is rarely seen on the body of an Iranian Muslim woman. This article defines the style of postmodernism and also examines the relationship and effects of this art style with design, fashion and clothing. So, the connection between postmodernism and Islamic art was specifically mentioned. Then, Iranian-Islamic mantles were designed with a postmodernist approach and it was tried to provide mantles that are a combination of all these. On the other hand, due to the coating of the mantle, silver nanoparticles were used to prevent the growth of bacteria, and the results showed that the use of this material can have a positive effect on the antibacterial property of the mantle.


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How to Cite
Maleksabet, F., & Sakenyandehkordi, M. (2022). Design of Iranian-Islamic Postmodernism Mantle Using Nanomaterials. International Journal of Applied Arts Studies (IJAPAS), 7(2), 65-72. Retrieved from
Original Article
Author Biographies

Fatemeh Maleksabet, Department of Sewing and Clothing Design, Faculty of Hazrat Roghayeh Branch, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Yazd, Iran

Department of Sewing and Clothing Design, Faculty of Hazrat Roghayeh Branch, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Yazd, Iran

Mehrnoosh Sakenyandehkordi, Department of Design and Clothing, Research Institute of Traditional & Modern Structures (RITMS), Yazd, Iran

Department of Design and Clothing, Research Institute of Traditional & Modern Structures (RITMS), Yazd, Iran

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