Extraction an Evaluation of Physical-Behavioral Components taken from Native Patterns (Case Example: Kerman Bazaar Complex)

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Sareh Esmail Beigi Kermani
Reza Mirzaei
Ahmad Heidari


The formation of the body of any space can be derived from the prevailing behaviors and diverse lifestyle patterns and the physical support of the type of space from specific activities or diverse uses. Each space has a different meaning that emerges based on the body that surrounds it. Traditional markets as the support of commercial centers have components that are derived and show the physical design and spatial behavior that are directly related. This research was formed with the aim of extracting physical-spatial components and classifying them in the markets of Kerman.

The research method is a combination of nested qualitative and quantitative type. In the qualitative part, semi-structured interviews with scholars and snowball sampling are used, in which 28 experts are interviewed. In order to reduce the data, coding is used in ATLASTI software. It is a causal-comparative quantitative method that uses the components of the previous stage to develop a questionnaire and distribute it among 384 space users. The results are entered into the GRAPHER 16 software for analysis and are analyzed with inferential statistics. The results show that the most important factors in the body-behavior components in the formation of the traditional market of Kerman city include the response of the wise in the form, the support of the body to the activity, the cover Plant is with a value of (1.000) and the lowest factor contribution is related to inviting elements with a value of (0.295). Also, all the components have a significant relationship to explain the factor contribution, except for the flooring component, whose factor contribution is (0.467) but it does not have a significant relationship. To facilitate the review of the results, a summary chart of the determined coefficients has been presented.


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How to Cite
Esmail Beigi Kermani, S., Mirzaei, R., & Heidari, A. (2024). Extraction an Evaluation of Physical-Behavioral Components taken from Native Patterns (Case Example: Kerman Bazaar Complex). International Journal of Applied Arts Studies (IJAPAS), 9(1), 7-24. Retrieved from http://ijapas.ir/index.php/ijapas/article/view/476
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