The Role of the Environmental Components of the Corridors of Educational Spaces in Increasing the Design Learning of Architecture Students

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Shabnam Asgaripour
Reza Farmahini Farahani
Mahmoud Nikkhah Shahmirzadi


The role of architectural education environment in teaching and learning is important in terms of improving the quality of education. Informal education, as an important part of education, often takes place in spaces outside the studio. Corridors, especially on the way to the studio, can be effective on students' design thinking in many ways, one of them is to increase the visual experience. which can be effective in the design process. The importance of place in education is considered as one of the dimensions of the hidden curriculum. This research is done with the aim of knowing the environmental components in educational corridors and knowing the effects of each of them. The mixed research method is nested qualitative in quantitative. In the qualitative phase, components from semi-structured interviews with university professors are conducted in the educational environment, then the components are categorized and extracted using the open and central coding system in ATLASTI software, then in the next phase, based on the components A questionnaire with a Likert scale is compiled and provided to students. The results are entered into the JMPSAS16 software and analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. The results show that in the spatial dimension, the attractiveness component with the coefficient of determination (0.213) has the least contribution to students' learning, and the most related to the static space component. and movement with a value of (0.872) in the functional dimension of supporting activities with a value of (1.000) has the largest contribution to students' learning and the least is related to the type of furniture in the corridor with a coefficient of determination of (0.224) In the physical dimension, the bulletin board component with a value of (0.132) has the least effect on learning, and the dimensions of the corridors with a value of (0.952) have the greatest contribution to students' learning.


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How to Cite
Asgaripour, S., Farmahini Farahani, R., & Nikkhah Shahmirzadi, M. (2024). The Role of the Environmental Components of the Corridors of Educational Spaces in Increasing the Design Learning of Architecture Students. International Journal of Applied Arts Studies (IJAPAS), 8(4), 25-44. Retrieved from
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