Discourse Between Body and Clothes as an Object

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Parisa Yazdani
Salar Zohoori


Considering all the functions that have always redefined their existential meaning, the objects have also had deeper and inner functions, and sometimes some theorists and researchers such as "Germas", "Fontaine" and "Landowsky" They have rewritten these internal functions and caused the emergence of new strains (or level) of attitude (or theory) towards this direction. For a long time, artists have looked at all subjects and objects around them with a different attitude than the common people, and therefore have redefined the world around them differently. They bring out the invisible meanings that are hidden in the depth of each object with a sensory and inner look and with perceptive digestion and show the connection between the objects and redefine a new identity for the objects.

The human body is full of tangible and intangible sensory and perceptual experiences, and it is full of words (or theory) alone. When this utterance (or statement or speech) is combined with the physical experience of another object such as clothes, the meaning of all its experiences is redefined and each one appears in a cocoon of another definition. The body is no longer a body with limited uses, and everything that is in contact with the human body is no longer a simple and functional object, but every object, after interweaving, harmonizes with the body and creates a new perceptual world. In her phenomenological views, "Horsel" puts forward the theory of the body in relation to the subject with sensory perceptions, and "Landowsky" continues by defining the semantic system of coincidence and its application.

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between body and clothes as two objects of the same word at that moment. In other words, the main question of this research is how clothes as a man-made and non-dynamic object and body and body as a created and dynamic object enter into discussion with each other in a discourse semantic system and how this discourse is transcended.

During the course of the research, relying on the theories of "Merleau-Ponty" and "Eric Landowsky", the interpretation of the meaningful relationship between the body and clothes in the dimensions of Merleau-Ponty's perceptual world is expanded in a descriptive and analytical way.

Finally, in this article, it has been determined that body and clothes both influence and give meaning to each other in a transcendental system. Each complements the other and gives new dimensions to each other. Both reveal the inner and undiscoverable meanings of each other and turn that stillness inside each other into ecstasy and dynamism.


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How to Cite
Yazdani, P., & Zohoori, S. (2022). Discourse Between Body and Clothes as an Object. International Journal of Applied Arts Studies (IJAPAS), 6(4), 91-107. Retrieved from http://ijapas.ir/index.php/ijapas/article/view/418
Review Article
Author Biographies

Parisa Yazdani, Department of Research Art, Kish international Branch,Islamic Azad University, Kish, Iran

Department of Research Art, Kish international Branch,Islamic Azad University, Kish, Iran

Salar Zohoori, Department of Research Art, Kish international Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish, Iran

Department of Research Art, Kish international Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish, Iran